August 21, 2011

The Death of Conchobhar

Conchobhar was a Pegan, so the story was most likely originally told by a Pegan. The story may have been retold by a Christian monk. The story ends with Meis-Geghra's brain springing out of Conchobhar's head, and then his blood proceedes to purify his body allowing him to go to heaven. If this story had not been written by a Christian, Conchobhar would not have gone to heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda - the story probably was written by a Christian who is trying to convert Irish to christianity. He may have purposefully taken Conchobhar, a Irish hero, and made him become the first believer. This christianization of Conchobhar, turns a pagan warrior into a symbol for conversion.

    Note: Pagan.
