October 25, 2011

The Telephone

  1. In the summer. The two speakers are in a new relationship, perhaps a relationship that hasn't yet evolved into a romantic one. (Even though thats the direction they both want to head in)
  2. The telephone is what connects the two speakers. The telephone has very few limitation as to what it can do, it makes distances between people seem miniscule. It may relate to the lengths at which the first speaker is willing to go through to get to the second speaker. The second speaker is also willing to go far to interact with the first speaker but she is less likely to shout out her feelings from a roof top like the first speaker would. 
  3. The first speaker is very confident, perhaps a little arrogant. He tries to get the woman to admit her feelings for him. He seems to know that she has feelings for him. He interrupts the woman because he thought she finally admit that she loved him. He doesn't tell her what he thought she said because he want's her to say it. He wants to hear her actually say 'I love you'. If her were to say it and she agreed than who knows if she actually means it or if she felt pressured to say it.  THe poem switched to 'someone' because he is still trying to get her to say it so she won't be able to deny anything. He states that someone had to have said something and that someone had to have been the woman.  
  4. The second speaker is a shy woman. She is very hesitant when admitting her feelings. She doesn't want to let her guard down, maybe she has been hurt by someone in the past. When the man asks her what she said, she is afraid to confess that she likes the man because she doesn't know if the feelings will be retaliated. The man makes it kind of obvious that he likes her, but by being overly conspicuous, the woman may think that he is just trying to make fun of her. 
  5. The poem is all about communication. The communication between the two speaker is ironically not the best. The man is so overbearing that the woman is almost afraid of her feelings.The tone of the poem through the man's part is sort of playful and light, whereas the tone through the's woman's side is timid, shy and calm.

1 comment:

  1. Question - Why is a flower used to represent the idea of a telephone? What is meant here?
