February 9, 2012

Act 2 Sections

Act 2: Scene 1 - Lines 1-198 (Summary just because)
      Polonius sends Reynaldo to spy on Laertes; he wants Reynaldo to spread rumors about Laertes to find out the truth about he is doing France. Even though Reynaldo thinks its wrong, he does it anyway. Ophelia shows up and tells Polonius that Hamlet has been to visit her but he was acting weird. He entered Ophelia's room, grabbed her wrist and held her out at arms length away. He looks at her face for a long time, sighed, and then turned and walked away. Polonius tells her that he will inform the King of Hamlet's odd behavior.

Part 1 Act 2: Scene 2 - Lines 1-86
      The king and queen have summoned Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet for them. They think that because the men are Hamlet's childhood friends that he may have told them what was bothering him so much. They agree and exit to find Hamlet. Voltemond has returned from Norway with good news. Old Norway has said that he had no idea that Fortinbras was planning to attack Denmark. He agrees to end Fortinbras's plan.

Part 2: Act 2: Scene 2 - Lines 87-216
      Polonius tells the king and queen (after some psycho babble) that he knows what is wrong with Hamlet. He thinks that Hamlet is mad because he is in love with Ophelia and he has a letter from to prove it. The letter is supposedly from Hamlet and he professes his love to Ophelia. Hamlet enters reading a book. Polonius strikes up a conversation with Hamlet (who doesn't want to talk to Polonius) and all Hamlet does is insult him.

Part 3: Act 2: Scene 2 - Lines 217-358
     Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come in to talk to Hamlet. Polonius leaves and the old friends start to catch up. They talk about how Denmark is a prison, but only to some because who decides what is good or bad in the world? Everything that has happened to Hamlet in Elsinore he has deemed as bad, so he thinks that Denmark is a prison. Hamlet then asks why they are here because he knows that they were sent for, he just doesn't know why and for what. They tell him that they were indeed sent for. Hamlet goes off on a big long speech in which he discusses stuff (I'm not sure what he says here) and  Rosencrantz says that he has seen the players coming to Elsinore. Hamlet gets a little excited because he LOVES the theatre...

Part 4: Act 2: Scene 2 - Lines 359-592
     The players enter Elsinore. Polonius comes to tell Hamlet that they are here. Hamlet greets them and welcomes them to the kingdom. Polonius jabbers about what kind of plays that the actors do (though Hamlet already knows), Hamlet then compares Polonius to Jephthah and asks the players to recite something. He asks them to recite a scene about Pyrrhus at the fall of Troy. The scene talks about Pyrrhus getting revenge for the death of his father Achilles (much like Hamlet plans to do). Hamlet starts the scene and the main actor continues. The actor is moved to tears so Polonius makes him stop. Hamlet asks the actors if they can do a play that he wrote (he is going to try and get the king to confess that he killed Hamlet's father) and they agree. Hamlet bids them good night and tells his childhood friends that they are welcome to stay in Elsinore. When he is finally alone, he compares himself to the actors and can't understand why the guy was moved to tears by the words alone. He says that Heaven and Hell are both giving him the 'go ahead' to get revenge for his father's murder; but all Hamlet can do is whine and complain about how terrible his life is. He knows that his plan to get the king to confess that he murdered his brother is a perfect time to catch Claudius in his lie.

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