November 3, 2011


I have no idea what this poem is about. I have no idea where to even begin. I looked at the links on the blog and the essay just confused me even more. =(

1 comment:

  1. Amanda - okay, look at Rori and Anna's blog responses. See were they go with the poem. Note: Ashberry likes to be confusing on purpose and he doesn't allows have a message. Why is this important? Well, it means you can find meaning wherever and not have to worry about whether you're right. So, go back and look at the poem - just look at the end words and talk about what the mean (or could mean) in relation to the story in the poem (or if you don't get a story - what the mean in general). You might also watch a Popeye cartoon and relate the poem to the cartoon. Spend the weekend redoing this. Don't worry - come up with a theme, relate the end words to the theme, reference things from the text. But, you have to start writing. Smile.
