November 2, 2011

Home Alone

The wind blows
Knock, knock, knocking
The rain falls, shaping puddles
A man looks through my window.

Knock, knock, knocking
I turn to see the noise
A man looks through my window.
I run up the stairs

I turn to see the noise 
The man bursts through the door
I run up the stairs 
The man calls after me

The man bursts through the door
Stops, stares into the dark crevasses of the room
The man calls after me
Chasing me up the stairs

Stops, stares into the dark crevasses of the room
(Don’t follow me)
Chasing me up the stairs
I scream, tripping on the steps

(Don’t follow me)
The rain falls, shaping puddles
I scream, tripping on the steps
The wind blows

1 comment:

  1. This is a scary poem. Dark, but well done. You might think about breaking the structure or changing the second, "Stops, stares into the dark crevasses of the room". Play with punctuation. Also, think about the title. Good work.
