September 6, 2011

Beowulf Journal 4

Lines 164-169 ~ So Grendel waged his lonely war...he was the Lord’s outcast.

Grendel can wage war against the entire hall but he can’t go near the throne. Why? Perhaps the throne was blessed by God. If the throne was blessed by God Grendel couldn’t approach it because of Grendel’s mark put on him by God. Grendel can try and get God’s attention by killing hundreds of people but the curse basically removes him from God’s mind.  Grendel can try and get back at God all he wants but he will never be close to God because of Grendel’s bloodline. 

1 comment:

  1. There is an idea that all kings are blessed by God. God allows kings to rule, and therefore the throne, a symbol of kingship, has been anointed by God's light.
