September 14, 2011

Beowulf Journal 9

Lines 433-440 ~ I have heard moreover that the monster scorns in his reckless way to use weapons…hand-to-hand is how it will be, a life-and-death fight with a fiend.
Beowulf recognizes that Grendel can’t be defeated by weapons. (Is it because of Cain’s curse? Or Grendel’s tough monster skin?) He decides that he shall fight Grendel with one hand tied behind his back, blindfolded and in a drunken stupor! Well actually with just his hands, although Beowulf was probably by today’s standards smashed; but he was a fierce Geatish warrior! And in that society if you couldn’t handle your liquor, you were considered a bad warrior or Unferth. =)

1 comment:

  1. Beowulf doesn't know that the monster can't be hurt by weapons. If he did he wouldn't have had his men attack with weapons. Also, there's no indication of it. He just wants to defeat Grendel in a "fair" fight - more glory for him that way.
