September 20, 2011

Beowulf Journals 21-23

Lines 2694-2701 ~ …He lunged at the enemy lower down so that his decorated sword sank into its belly and the flames grew weaker.
Wiglaf to the rescue! While all of Beowulf’s men are cowering outside the dragon’s lair, Wiglaf goes to stand behind his king. He delivers a fatal blow that tones down the dragon’s fire breathing abilities.
Lines 2704-2705 ~ He stuck it deep into the dragon’s flank. Beowulf dealt it a deadly wound.
Beowulf deals the final blow that kills the dragon. Wiglaf could have killed the dragon when he stabbed him in the gut, but he didn’t. This was Beowulf’s battle and he was only back up. He knew that if Beowulf lived, the fact that Wiglaf killed the dragon would kill his pride.
Lines 2783-2793 ~ Wiglaf went quickly, keen to get back, excited by the treasure…The old lord gazed sadly at the gold.
Wiglaf is able to enter the barrow where the treasure was held. Earlier in the poem it stated that only a man blessed by God is able to enter the barrow. Was Beowulf not worth because of his pride?

1 comment:

  1. 21/22 - Wiglaf is respectful towards Beowulf and allows him to kill the dragon. This says a great deal about him.

    23 - This again, says a lot about Wiglaf, but it's possible that Beowulf isn't allowed to enter the barrow due to something.
