September 20, 2011

Beowulf Journals 24-28

Lines 2819-2820 ~ His soul fled from his breast to its destined place among the steadfast ones.
Because the Pagans don’t believe in Heaven or Hell, this to me means that Beowulf’s soul went to rest with his ancestors’.
Lines 1758-1768 ~ “O flower of warriors, beware of that trap…Your piercing eye will dim and darken; and death will arrive, dear warrior, to sweep you away.”
Hrothgar tells Beowulf to shape up. He warns Beowulf to not be blinded by his pride. He may be in his prime now, but he will get old and things will come back to bite him in the butt. He pretty much says that once you get old and your strength fades, anything can take you out.
Pride is Beowulf’s tragic flaw. If he continues to be arrogant, it will lead to his demise, or the downfall of his country. Beowulf only cares about fame.
Theme: Roles of Women
Grendel’s  Mom:
Grendel’s mother is a nameless monster. Her lack of a name could be argued in many ways, one being that she is called Grendel’s mother because that is what she most associates herself with. It appears that she worships her son. In the poem you learn that one monster is wreaking havoc on Heorot, not two. Grendel’s mother either lets Grendel do all the dirty work, or she’s not very monster like. It is her deep adoration for her son that sends her into a revenge seeking she-wolf that attacks Heorot. Perhaps that she is only physically a monster and underneath that grotesque monster exterior is just a loving mother.
Queen Hygd vs. Queen Modthryth:
Hygelac’s wife, Queen Hygd, is a good queen. She is kind, thoughtful, and has good manners. Queen Modthryth on the other hand, kills men for even looking at her the wrong way. Modthryth was a cruel, nasty person, until she was married to Offa. After she was married, she changed. She was then well known for her good deeds and her loyalty to her king.
Freawaru is Hrothgar’s daughter. Freawaru is going to marry Ingeld as a peace pledge. Freawaru like most other women during the time, is being given away to keep two countries from fighting. Freawaru mean merchandise. Freawaru’s name, meaning merchandise, symbolizes her being used as a peace pledge. Her name meaning merchandise may also be a foreshadow. It won’t take long before Freawaru is treated like crap and she becomes a failed peace pledge.
Hildeburh is mentioned in a poem. She was a Danish princess married to the Frisian King, Finn. After the Danish people are defeated, the separate. Some remain in Daneland other run off to Friesland. Hildeburh’s son and brother, King Hnaef,  come to visit, there is a large battle between the two groups, and her son and Hnaef end up dead. Hildeburh is also a failed peace pledge. She was supposed to keep harmony between the Frisians and the Danes. Well that didn’t happen.
Lines 2729-2739 ~ Now it is time when I would have wanted to bestow this armour on my own son…I took what came, cared for and stood by things in my keeping, never fomented quarrels, never swore to a lie.
Beowulf has no heir. He ruled for fifty years, defended his country from neighboring kings, never started wars that didn’t need to be started, but never fathered an heir. This proves that Beowulf was a better warrior than king. He defends his country rather than worries about getting married and having children to carry on his line.
Lines 1417-1421 ~ It was a sore blow to the Danes, friends of the Shieldings…when they came upon Aeschere’s head at the foot of the cliff
Grendel’s mother didn’t put his head there as a warning to other predators. She put Aeschere’s head outside her lair to act a trophy, mush like Beowulf did when he hung Grendel’s arm by the rafters in Heorot. If Beowulf can dismember and humiliate someone she loves then she is going to do the same to Hrothgar.

1 comment:

  1. 24 - research Norsemen or Northmen afterlife.

    25 - Parallel structure and foreshadow!

    26 - OUTSTANDING!!! Use this. Perhaps you can write part of your essay on the roles of women in Beowulf.

    27 - It's kind of important that Beowulf has no heir. On the one hand it makes him like Jesus (suggests virginal/pure qualities) and on the other it makes him less manly (the ability to produce heirs = fertility, and is one of his roles as king). He also anoints Wiglaf in these lines.

    28 - Yes, this is revenge.
